How to Know If an Android Blocked You on Iphone

If an Android user has blocked you on an iPhone, you won't receive their messages or calls. Additionally, you won't see their updates or last seen status.

When it comes to using different mobile devices and their compatibility with each other, it's important to understand how certain features work across platforms. If you suspect that an Android user has blocked you on your iPhone, there are a few indicators to look out for.

Understanding these signs can help you determine if you have been blocked and what steps to take next. We will explore how to know if an Android user has blocked you on your iPhone, providing valuable insights and tips for handling the situation effectively. 

Understanding the compatibility and interactions between different mobile platforms is crucial in today's interconnected world. By delving into the indicators of being blocked by an Android user on an iPhone, you can gain a better understanding of the situation and navigate the potential challenges with confidence.

How to Know If an Android Blocked You on Iphone


Detecting A Blocked Contact

Identifying whether or not you have been blocked by a contact on an Android device when using an iPhone can be challenging, but there are some indicators that may help you determine if you have indeed been blocked.

Check Imessage Status

One way to detect if you have been blocked is by observing the iMessage status of the contact in question. If the iMessage status shows as 'Delivered' but the recipient doesn't respond and you suspect they have blocked you, this could be a sign that you have been blocked.

Attempt To Call The Contact

Another method to confirm if you have been blocked is to attempt calling the contact. If the call immediately goes to voicemail each time you try to reach out, this could be an indication that the contact has blocked you on their Android device.

How to Know If an Android Blocked You on Iphone


Observing Message Behavior

When it comes to figuring out whether someone has blocked you on Android while you are using an iPhone, one crucial aspect to consider is the behavior of your messages. By observing how your messages are behaving, you can gather valuable clues to determine if you have been blocked or not. 

In this article, we will focus on one key message behavior to help you understand if you have been blocked on Android: Sent Messages Turn Green.

Sent Messages Turn Green

If you have been regularly messaging your contact and suddenly notice a change in the color of your sent messages, it could be an indication that you have been blocked on Android. Normally, when you send a text message from an iPhone to an Android device, the sent messages appear in blue. However, if your messages are now appearing in green, it suggests that your contact might have blocked you.

Why does this happen? Well, on an iPhone, blue messages indicate that your messages have been successfully sent using iMessage, whereas green messages show that your message has been sent as an SMS or MMS, indicating that the recipient is not using iMessage or the message failed to send via iMessage.

If your messages have suddenly turned green when communicating with an Android user, it is possible that they have blocked your number or deactivated iMessage on their device. However, it is important to note that the color change alone is not definitive proof of being blocked. 

There could be other reasons, like network issues or the recipient temporarily disabling their data connection, that lead to the color change.

No Delivery Receipts

In addition to the color change of your sent messages, another behavior that suggests you might have been blocked on Android is the absence of delivery receipts. Normally, when you send a message to someone who has not blocked you, you would see a delivery receipt indicating that the message has been successfully delivered to their device. 

However, if you do not receive any delivery receipts from your contact, it could imply that they have blocked you. Delivery receipts are a feature of iMessage where you receive a small notification under your sent message, confirming that the message has been delivered to the recipient's device. 

If these delivery receipts do not appear for any of your messages, it could mean that your contact has blocked you, causing the message to fail to deliver the confirmation.

However, it's worth mentioning that the absence of delivery receipts can also be due to other reasons, such as network issues or the recipient disabling read receipts on their device. Therefore, it's important to consider other message behaviors alongside the absence of delivery receipts to confirm if you have been blocked on Android.

Analyzing Call Activity

If you suspect that someone has blocked your number on their Android phone from your iPhone, it can be frustrating to try and figure out if you have been blocked.

One of the indicators that can help you determine if you've been blocked is to analyze the call activity between your iPhone and the Android user's phone.

Call Goes Straight To Voicemail

If your calls to the Android user's phone go straight to voicemail without ringing first, it could be a sign that you have been blocked.

Repeated Busy Tone

If you receive a repeated busy tone every time you try to call the Android user, this may indicate that your number has been blocked.

Exploring Social Media Status

When trying to figure out if someone has blocked you on their Android phone while you use an iPhone, exploring their social media status can provide some clues. The way they interact (or don't) on popular social media platforms can give some insight into whether or not they've blocked you.

Check Last Seen Status On Messaging Apps

One of the first things to look for is the last seen status on messaging apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. If the person has blocked you, their last seen status would not be visible to you. This may indicate that they are actively avoiding interactions with you.

No Updates On Social Media

Another indicator to consider is their activity (or lack of) on social media platforms. If the person has suddenly stopped updating their social media accounts, it could be a sign that they are intentionally avoiding you. Additionally, if you are unable to see their posts or profile, it could be due to them blocking or unfriending you.

How to Know If an Android Blocked You on Iphone


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Know If An Android Blocked You On Iphone

How Do I Know If I've Been Blocked On An Iphone By An Android User?

To check if you've been blocked, try sending a message. If it shows only one checkmark, they might have blocked you.

Can I See If An Android Phone Has Blocked Me On My Iphone?

Unfortunately, iPhone users can't directly see if they're being blocked by an Android user.

What Happens When An Android User Blocks An Iphone User?

When an Android user blocks an iPhone user, the iPhone user won't be able to send messages or make calls.

Is There A Way To Bypass The Block Between Android And Iphone?

No, both platforms have separate blocking systems that can't be bypassed for communication.

Can I Use A Third-party App To Check If I'm Blocked Across Platforms?

Currently, there are no reliable third-party apps available to check block status between Android and iPhone users.


To sum up, identifying if an Android has blocked you on iPhone can be a frustrating situation. However, by paying attention to the clues mentioned above, such as your messages not delivering or calls going unanswered, you can gain some insight into whether you have been blocked.

Remember, it is always best to communicate directly with the person in question to clarify any doubts or concerns you may have. Keep in mind that while these indicators can be useful, they are not foolproof and should be taken with a grain of salt.

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